12 May
The Hilton Organization is continuing to expand and providing additional services to our children. The Hilton Physiotherapy unit is an excellent example of this.
We now employ a physiotherapist who provides one-on-one therapy and advice as part of our multidisciplinary team.
The Hilton Organization will soon be able to confidently say that we have one of the best equipped paediatric physiotherapy gym’s in the country, including a state of the art hydrotherapy pool.
This has been made possible through the support of individuals and corporates who believe in our vision and have continued to support us.
Over the past 2 years, Standss South Pacific Limited has been one of those many corporates who have supported the Organization specifically by ensuring that there are sufficient funds to continue the day-to-day running costs of the Physiotherapy unit. This morning they donated a further $15,000 towards the costs for 2016.
The hard working team at Standss South Pacific Limited have always been passionate about the Hilton Organization and have continually supported us generously.
We would like to thank Standss South Pacific Limited for their generosity of spirit towards the Hilton Organization.