13 Jun
It’s that time of year again, when you will see the strange sighting of grown men and women pushing each other in wheelbarrows around Albert Park! But don’t be alarmed, these are participants of the Frank Hilton Amazing Wheelbarrow Race who are on their practice runs. These individuals from reputed companies such as Bluescope Lysaght, Vinod Patel, Fortec Constructions British American Tobacco, Sun Insurance, BSP, and Harcourts Fiji to name a few are participants of possibly one of the most innovative and entertaining fundraising activities ever seen in Suva.
In 2016 the first ever Amazing Wheelbarrow race took place raising over $80,000 for the Frank Hilton Organization. “ Fundraisers such as this assist us to keep our doors opened and continue to offer much needed services to children with disabilities”, the president of the Organization Ritesh Dass stated in his Welcome address.
Sureni Perera, Chief Executive Officer Frank Hilton Organization who spoke at the event stated “The Hilton Schools are the only Special Schools in the country to have a multidisciplinary team of specialists to provide support services that provide for a holistic developmental approach for children with disabilities. Hilton Audiology is the only facility that can detect hearing loss in infants soon after birth and it provides service to the CWM hospital in Suva through an Out Reach programme. Hilton Physiotherapy has both clinical and technical personnel and over 62 children receive physiotherapy each week. Where there are no speech Therapists in Fiji we still run a Speech Therapy programme for 25 children” She also said “The Fiji Crippled Children’s Society was founded by a concerned group of citizens of Suva, fast forward 50 years and with a name change, today we still remain a concerned group of citizens who’s intention it is to provide the best in services for children with disabilities and their families”
Chris McLoughlin, General Manager Bluescope Lysaght, whose team finished the race in record time last year and are currently defending champions said “ I have done some research on the cost it takes in first world countries to provide services to children and it is admirable what Frank Hilton Organization is doing for children with disabilities. This is why we decided to support the cause with not one but two teams in this year’s race.”
The Amazing wheelbarrow race is scheduled for the 29th of July. The Organizing committee expects at least 30 teams to participate. Each team will raise a minimum of $5000 each to compete in the Race. The race has 2 heats of 3 laps around Albert Park and the top 3 teams in the heats will participate in the Final race which will be 1 lap around Albert Park. There will be Awards for the top 3 podium positions as well as the best dressed team, the highest funds raised by a team, the “over 40’s” team, the team with the most number of senior management team members etc.
The Amazing wheelbarrow Race is not only a fundraiser for a worthy cause but also an opportunity for team building and corporate philanthropy. It offers a good opportunity for companies to also promote wellness and optimize fitness amongst their staff members.