As Frank Hilton Organisation grows, there have been many people who have helped by volunteering their time, expertise and efforts to whome we are ever so thankful.
Lauren is a Social Educator who has for 2 consecutive years volunteered her services to FHO.
This is what she has to say
“2017 I found myself in a conversation with a lady called Donna who is an Audiologist here at the Hilton. I heard the way she talked about the organisation with so much passion and love and i packed bags and within weeks i was over here to help out. At home i am a Social Educator for adults with disabilities and run various actives for them and wanted to bring some of my skills i use there here.
In 2017 I was part of an outreach audiology project for one week where we screened kids for hearing difficulties at multiple Special Education Schools and the other week i got to spend time with the kids and residents in the hostel where i built amazing relationships and was able to help out and start up various things around the hostel.
Ever since this last trip i had been itching to come back. I am now back with my Fiji family and have been doing various things around the Hostel.
I have been able to work with the kids and residents bring different activities for them throughout their day to make things more exciting including arts and crafts and sensory activities.
I have also been able to help out with playgroup and implement some ideas here.
I have also been able to start training the carers on different things like best that will help increase quality of life for the people we are supporting.
The Frank Hilton Organisation is doing such a fantastic job and I am so thankful i have been able to take part in something so wonderful. I will defiantly be back to volunteering here.”